Optical WAT Detector (OWD)
Measure Wax Appearance Temperature WAT with high precision
The precise detection of a samples wax appearance temperature WAT is of high importance for multiple applications. The new Optical WAT Detector OWD allows a fast and accurate measurement for the onset of wax crystallization of oil samples with the integrated thermoelectric heating/cooling unit and a highly sensitive light sensor. Besides the use in a laboratory the unit is also highly portable for field tests.
Optical WAT Detector principle
Low volume test instrument for measurement of WAT and solid detection. A test sample is heated up first and cooled down according a set temperature ramp. Light transmittance is measured by a NIR detector system. Emitted light is blocked by a linear polarization filter.
Once the first wax crystals form, they change the polar orientation of the light and lead to an increase in light power on the detector. The temperature of the sample is constantly monitored and the increase of light power is determinet as the WAT.
These effects make the measurement more precise and/or faster than measurement run according ASTM D5771, ASTM D5772 or ASTM D5773. This allows detection of the true initial onset of wax appearance different to e.g. DSC or Rheometer measurement, which detect the bulk onset wax appearance only.
Cloud Point Detection
The detector allows to measure the cloud point for petroleum products and paraffic content as well. e.g. condesates, diesel and fuel oils.
Low sample amount leads to fast measurement
The low sample amount leads to a high speed measurement. The whole process is really fast, because the Optical WAT Detector is able to work with less than 1 ml sample volume.
Stand-alone or controlled via software
The OWD can be operated stand-alone with the integrated, fix programs. More comfortable and more flexible is the use of the WinOWD control software. With the software additional features are available, e.g.
- a more detailed customization of ramp settings
- a time-saving sweep program
- test repetitions
- the data can be exported to a spreadsheet program
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