Lab instruments for oil and gas. Made in Germany.

Gas Hydrate Autoclaves GHA 200 & GHA 350

Examination of Gas Hydrate Formation

The Gas Hydrate Autoclaves GHA 200 and GHA 350 by PSL Systemtechnik are hydrate test cells for research the effectivity and efficiency of kineticand thermodynamic gas hydrate inhibitors, as well as anti-agglomerates


  • Visual supervision of an experiment with up to 3 cameras
  • Photo- and video recordings are possible 
  • Simulates pipeline conditions
  • Long-time experiments
  • Automated test schedule
  • Small footprint
  • Simple opening-mechanism


  • Research of kinetic and thermodynamic hydrate-inhibitors
  • Analysis of anti-agglomerates
  • Optimization of inhibitor-concentrations
  • Quality control

The Gas Hydrate Autoclave by PSL is the revisioned and updated version of the standard-instrument for analyzing gas hydrate formation. It offers diverse features in a small space.  Pipeline conditions are realistically simulated in the Gas Hydrate Autoclave. Thereby the effectiveness of hydrate-inhibitors can be reliably checked and optimized in a pressure range of up to 200 bar /2,900 psi (GHA 200)or up to 350 bar / 5,075 psi (GHA 350).

Photos and Videos during the test

Pressure-resistant sapphire-glasswindows in the Gas Hydrate Autoclaves allows the use of one or multiple boroscope-camerawhich enables observing the processes inside the autoclave.  Thereby gas hydrate formation can be recorded as photo or videoduring an experiment. Up to six autoclaves can be operated simultaneously via one PC

The Gas Hydrate Autoclave GHA 200 is equipped with one borescope camera, it is mounted in the autoclaves' head and observes the sample surface from topview.

The new developed Gas Hydrate Autoclave GHA 350 has two additional cameras on the sides. With these cameras the hydrates behaviour can be observed in the liquid phase(bottom side camera) as well as at the phase boundary(upper side camera).

The autoclaves are all equipped with an integrated magnetic stirrer to simulate turbulent mixing conditions by the use of stirrer bars. Much higher turbulences and shear forces are accessible with the overhead stirrer in combination with different types of rotors.

The overhead stirrer is connected to a torque sensor. By this you can perform torque measurementsand get conclusions of the samples viscosity changes. The GHA 200 can be used with either camera or overhead stirrer, changing from camera to overhead stirrer (and vice versa) can be done between experiments. With the GHA 350 you can use three cameras and overhead stirrer simultaneously.

Extensive software

With the extensive PSL-Software Hydrate complex test schedules are automated. A test run can be flexibly designedwith the integrated script-editor. The optical control and the measurement of temperature, pressureand torqueoffer a comfortable test supervision and extensive analysis opportunities. Photos and videoscan be recorded manual or automated. In case of power failures a back-up of measuring results is provided by an auto-restart feature.

Furthermore, the software is distinguished by easy handlingand clear display of the measuring data.

Gas hydrate autoclave convinces with good handling

The Gas Hydrate Autoclaves can easily be openedand closed by a specially designed mechanism. An integrated double jacket, temperature and pressure sensor, as well as the integrated stirrer enable a full control of experiments. Even small leakage losses are prevented by double seal sets. Thus, long-run experiments of 30 days or longerare possible. The insulation of the Gas Hydrate Autoclave supports a quick heating and cooling as well as good temperature stability at test conditions.

A practical display-box(D-Box) is available optionally. It provides the pressure values of up to six Gas Hydrate Autoclaves at a glance. 

Spezifikationen GHA 200 und GHA 350
   GHA 200   GHA 350

Cameras (Number; Position)

 1; top 3; 1 top, 2 side


 1280x1024 px, RGB32 each 1280x1024 px, RGB32

Pressure range


up to 200 bar / 2,900 psi


up to 350 bar / 5,075 psi

Overhead stirrer


yes, without camera


yes, additional with 3 cameras

Torque measurement


yes, without camera


yes, additional with 3 cameras

Sour gas compatibility





On request we adapt the Gas Hydrate Autoclaves to your requirements.

Request now!

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