Multi-Rack Cold Finger CF15
Lab instrument tests wax, paraffin and inhibitors in crude oil
The Multi-Rack Cold Finger is the automated laboratory device and analyses wax and paraffin deposits in crude oils. Screening of wax, paraffin inhibitors with theCold Finger it is ideally suited with up to 15 measuring stations.
The Multi-Rack Cold Finger from PSL Systemtechnik has significantly improved the handling of the proven Cold Finger measuring method for the user and, in addition to extended temperature and pressure ranges, offers measured value recording and evaluation via software. Numerous options and the modular design of the laboratory device allow the device to be customised precisely to your needs.

All the important features and areas of application of the Multi-Rack Cold Finger
Examine the wax content of crude oil with Cold Finger test
The Multi-Rack Cold Finger CF 15120 is equipped with up to 15 measuring places for multi-place testing. Combining multiple cold fingers in one heating bath facilitates screenings on wax inhibitors, e.g. simultaneous testing of different chemicals on a single sample or testing of different inhibitor concentrations with the same sample. The Cold Finger can be run with separate temperature control and stirring speed for each rack of 5 measuring places, thus reducing full test procedure for a single sample immanently. The dry bath allows a precise temperature control up to +120 °C / +248 °F.
Measuring Principle of Cold Finger Test
The wax deposition depends on many different influences. Not only the wax appearance temperature (WAT) is important but also the total wax content or the shear effect on deposition. For an examination of these parameters the Cold Finger setup can be used. The Multi-Rack Cold Finger is simulating the temperature difference, a cooled part (finger) is inserted into the stirred and heated oil. The contained waxy components start to precipitate on the surface of the cold finger cell. By weighing the deposition after a time at a set temperature, the deposition rate can be calculated. The final amount of deposition gives the total wax content.
Depending on the treatment of the sample the WAT may vary. The wax deposition rate depends not only on the finger temperatures, but on sample temperature and stirring speed, too.
Our Solution
Use the modern way to measure wax deposition with the Multi-Rack Cold Finger.
The Cold Finger by PSL Systemtechnik makes it possible. With the Cold Finger CF 15120 the behavior of up to 15 samples can be monitored simultaneously for quick screening and analysis.
Run your test with different temperatures and stirrer speeds in one test run. Remove the cold finger cells separately to monitor deposition vs. time effects.
The Simple Handling is Convincing
The Test Run
The Multi-Rack Cold Finger has up to three drawers with 5 measuring places each are set in a robust aluminum-frame.
The drawers can be easily pulled. Insert the filled sample bottles to the measuring places and lower the cold finger cells into the sample. Adjust the test conditions either directly at the instrument or via software and start the experiment.
After the test is finished you pull the rack out again. Push the cold finger up to its holding bracket. You can just pull off the cold finger cell with the wax deposits. This is easy, as the knurl at the upper, dry rim of the cell is used as gripping surface. You can then weigh the cell and with the software you can save the weight of the wax deposit.
Further Advantages of Multi-Rack Cold Finger
The cold finger cells are all calibrated with a deviation of < 0,01 g. So the cells can be arbitrarily changed between the measuring places and need not be weighed before a test to determine the tare weight.
The drawers with their integrated temperature control enable the removing of single samples during a test. Thus you can determine the time-behavior of deposits for one sample or start different tests separately. The low sample amounts of max. 75 ml helps to save test material.
Every rack has its own temperature control, so samples can be tested simultaneously under different conditions. With the high precision balance exact results can be provided with a relative measuring accuracy of 0,01 g.
The Software
By using the Cold Finger with a PC and the software WinCFC you can control the temperature via PC and directly save the measuring data of the balance. The software controls the thermostat, the dry bath controllers and the balance. With the Software you can set the required parameters, which are documented for a test run. You can record single measurements or several measurements in an interval and evaluate the recorded data later. Interval measurements enable the observation of the wax deposits behavior over time or at different temperatures in one test run.
New now: Do you need a mobile version or have a low sample throughput?
Then take a look at our mobile Cold Finger mCF2 here
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